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Hurricane Helene Relief and Resources

As the heartbreaking reality of the devastation continues to unfold, our thoughts and prayers remain with our families, employees, friends, and communities in Western North Carolina, Boone, Blowing Rock, and the Upstate of South Carolina. We continue to be focused on providing assistance that will have the greatest impact on most people during this critical time.

If you’d like to get involved or need a list of resources, please read through the list below:


We are partnering with the American Red Cross for monetary donations. Additional donation opportunities can be found here.
Supply Drop-offs

Here is a comprehensive list of supply drop zones. There are many access restrictions in the affected areas at this time. Only approved vehicles are allowed so all channels can remain open for Emergency Vehicles. This is why the drop zones are so important.

Seeking Assistance

If you need help, we have compiled a list of resources here
Please stay safe and continue to support one another.

Work With Us

We pride ourselves on informing and educating our clients in order to make better real estate decisions. Contact us today to find out how we can be of assistance to you!